/*Contoh interface*/
public class Person{
private String name;
private String address;
private String city;
private int age;
private char gender;
/* Konstruktor */
* Inisialisasi objek Person dengan nilai awal string kosong dan 0 untuk age
protected Person() {
name = "";
address = "";
city = "";
age = 0;
gender = 'F';
* Inisialisasi objek Person dengan nilai yang diberikan
protected Person(String varName, String varAddress, String varCity, int varAge, char varGender) {
name = varName;
address = varAddress;
city = varCity;
age = varAge;
gender = varGender;
* Mengubah nama
* @param varName nilai baru untuk nama
protected void setName (String varName){
name = varName;
* Mengubah Alamat
* @param varAddress nilai baru untuk alamat
protected void setAddress (String varAddress) {
address = varAddress;
* Mengubah Kota
* @param varCity nilai baru untuk kota
protected void setCity (String varCity) {
city = varCity;
* Mengubah Umur
* @param varAge nilai baru untuk umur
protected void setAge (int varAge) {
age = varAge;
* Mengubah jenis kelamin
* @param varGender nilai baru untuk jenis kelamin
protected void setGender (char varGender) {
gender = varGender;
* Mengambil nilai nama
* @return name nama
protected String getName (){
return name;
* Mengambil nilai alamat
* @return address address
protected String getAddress (){
return address;
* Mengambil nilai kota
* @return city city
protected String getCity (){
return city;
* Mengambil nilai umur
* @return name umur
protected int getAge (){
return age;
* Mengambil nilai jenis kelamin
* @return gender jenis kelamin
protected int getGender (){
return gender;
* Mengambil nilai Person
* @return str gabungan seluruh nilai atribut
public String toString(){
String str =
"name : "+ name + "\n"+
"address : "+ address + "\n"+
"city : "+city + "\n"+
"age : "+age + "\n";
return str;
* @author Frans Tuani Ryerson SIburian
public class Instructor extends Person {
private String subject;
private String title;
private int salary;
* Inisialisasi objek Instructor dengan nilai awal string kosong dan 0 untuk age dan salary
* Konstruktor secara default memanggil super()
public Instructor() {
subject = "";
title = "";
salary = 0;
* Inisialisasi objek Instructor dengan nilai yang diberikan
* Pemanggilan konstruktor berparameter dari kelas parent harus ditulis
* Jika tidak akan memanggil super()
public Instructor (String varName, String varAddress,
String varCity, int varAge, char varGender,
String varSubject, String varTitle, int varSalary) {
super(varName, varAddress, varCity, varAge, varGender);
subject = varSubject;
title = varTitle;
salary = varSalary;
* Mengubah mata kuliah
* @param varSubject nilai baru untuk mata kuliah
public void setSubject (String varSubject) {
subject = varSubject;
* Mengubah gelar
* @param varTitle nilai baru untuk gelar
public void setTitle (String varTitle) {
title= varTitle;
* Mengubah gaji
* @param varSalary nilai baru untuk gaji
public void setSalary (int varSalary) {
salary = varSalary;
* Mengambil nilai nama
* @return name nama
public String getSubject () {
return subject;
* Mengambil nilai gelar
* @return title gelar
public String getTitle () {
return title;
* Mengambil nilai gaji
* @return salary gaji
public int getSalary () {
return salary;
* Mengambil nilai Instructor
* @return str gabungan seluruh nilai atribut
public String toString(){
String str =
"Subject : "+ subject + "\n"+
"Title : "+ title + "\n"+
"Salary : "+ salary;
return str;
public class DemoInheritance
public static void main(String []args)
Instructor instructor1 = new Instructor ("Umar Bakri", "Jl. Lurus No. 1", "Bandung", 30, 'L', "Strategi Algoritmik", "ST", 10000000);
instructor1.setName("Umar Bakri Tobing");
Cyber System Akademik
Minggu, 07 November 2010
Sabtu, 06 November 2010
Tutorial Java part -3
class Point{
private int x;
private int y;
Point (int a, int b){
x = a;
y = b;}
x = 0;
y = 0;}
public Point(Point P){
x = P.x;
y = P.y;}
public void setAbsis (int a){
x = a;}
public void setOrdinat (int b){
y = b;}
int getAbsis(){
return x;}
int getOrdinat(){
return y;}
public void tulisPoint(){
System.out.println("("+ x + "," + y +")");}
public Point plus(Point P1, Point P2){
this.x = P1.x + P2.x;
this.y = P1.y + P2.y;
return this;
public Point minus(Point P1, Point P2){
this.x = P1.x - P2.x;
this.y = P1.y - P2.y;
return this;
public Point dotProduct(Point P1, Point P2){
this.x = P1.x * P2.x;
this.y = P1.y * P2.y;
return this;
public Point crossProduct(Point P1, Point P2){
this.x = P1.x * P2.y;
this.y = P1.y * P2.x;
return this;
boolean EQ (Point P1, Point P2){
return((P1.x == P2.x) && (P1.y == P2.y));
boolean NEQ (Point P1, Point P2){
return((P1.x != P2.x) &&(P1.y != P2.y));}
boolean LT (Point P1, Point P2){
return((P1.x < P2.x) &&(P1.y < P2.y));}
boolean GT (Point P1, Point P2){
return((P1.x > P2.x) && (P1.y > P2.y));
boolean isOrigin (Point P){
return((P.x == 0) && (P.y == 0));}
boolean isOnSbX (Point P){
return(P.y == 0);}
boolean isOnSbY (Point P){
return(P.x == 0);}
int kuadran (Point P){
if (!isOrigin(P) && (!isOnSbX(P)) && (!isOnSbY(P))){
if((P.x > 0) && (P.y > 0)){return 1;}
else if((P.x > 0) && (P.y < 0)) {return 2;}
else if((P.x < 0) && (P.y < 0)){return 3;}
else {return 4;}
} else {return -999;}
public Point nextX (Point P){
this.x = P.x + 1;
this.y = P.y;
return this;}
Point nextY (Point P){
this.x = P.x;
this.y = P.y + 1;
return this;}
Point plusDelta (int deltaX, int DeltaY){
this.x = x + deltaX;
this.y = y + DeltaY;
return this;}
Point mirrorOf (Point P, boolean SbX, boolean SbY){
Point temp = new Point();
if(SbX && !SbY){
temp.x = -1 * P.x;
temp.y = P.y;}
else if(!SbX && SbY){
temp.x = P.x;
temp.y = -1 * P.y;}
else if(SbX && SbY){
temp.x = -1 * P.x;
temp.y = -1 * P.y;}
temp.x = P.x;
temp.y = P.y;}
return temp;
float jarak0 (Point P){
int pangkat2x,pangkat2y,result;
pangkat2x = (P.x) * (P.x);
pangkat2y = (P.y) * (P.y);
result = pangkat2x + pangkat2y;
float a = (float)Math.sqrt(result);
return a;}
Point hslGeser (Point P, int Deltax, int deltaY){
Point temp = new Point();
temp.x = P.x + Deltax;
temp.y = P.y +deltaY;
return temp;}
void geserKeSbX (Point P){
P.x = 0;}
void geserKeSbY (Point P){
P.y = 0;}}
/*class driver*/
class PointTestDrive{
public static void main (String[] args){
Point A = new Point();
Point B = new Point (1,3);
Point C = new Point (7,9);
System.out.println("Apakah B dan C sama" + " " + A.EQ(B,C) );
System.out.println("Apakah B dan C sama" + " " + A.NEQ(B,C) );
System.out.println("Apakah B dan C sama" + " " + A.LT(B,C) );
System.out.println("Apakah B dan C sama" + " " + A.GT(B,C) );
System.out.println("Apakah B dan C sama" + " " + A.isOrigin(B) );
System.out.println("Apakah B dan C sama" + " " + A.isOnSbX(C) );
System.out.println("Apakah B dan C sama" + " " + A.isOnSbY(B) );
System.out.println("Apakah B dan C sama" + " " + A.kuadran(C) );
float a = A.jarak0(B);
System.out.println("ini nilai dari a" +" " +a);
private int x;
private int y;
Point (int a, int b){
x = a;
y = b;}
x = 0;
y = 0;}
public Point(Point P){
x = P.x;
y = P.y;}
public void setAbsis (int a){
x = a;}
public void setOrdinat (int b){
y = b;}
int getAbsis(){
return x;}
int getOrdinat(){
return y;}
public void tulisPoint(){
System.out.println("("+ x + "," + y +")");}
public Point plus(Point P1, Point P2){
this.x = P1.x + P2.x;
this.y = P1.y + P2.y;
return this;
public Point minus(Point P1, Point P2){
this.x = P1.x - P2.x;
this.y = P1.y - P2.y;
return this;
public Point dotProduct(Point P1, Point P2){
this.x = P1.x * P2.x;
this.y = P1.y * P2.y;
return this;
public Point crossProduct(Point P1, Point P2){
this.x = P1.x * P2.y;
this.y = P1.y * P2.x;
return this;
boolean EQ (Point P1, Point P2){
return((P1.x == P2.x) && (P1.y == P2.y));
boolean NEQ (Point P1, Point P2){
return((P1.x != P2.x) &&(P1.y != P2.y));}
boolean LT (Point P1, Point P2){
return((P1.x < P2.x) &&(P1.y < P2.y));}
boolean GT (Point P1, Point P2){
return((P1.x > P2.x) && (P1.y > P2.y));
boolean isOrigin (Point P){
return((P.x == 0) && (P.y == 0));}
boolean isOnSbX (Point P){
return(P.y == 0);}
boolean isOnSbY (Point P){
return(P.x == 0);}
int kuadran (Point P){
if (!isOrigin(P) && (!isOnSbX(P)) && (!isOnSbY(P))){
if((P.x > 0) && (P.y > 0)){return 1;}
else if((P.x > 0) && (P.y < 0)) {return 2;}
else if((P.x < 0) && (P.y < 0)){return 3;}
else {return 4;}
} else {return -999;}
public Point nextX (Point P){
this.x = P.x + 1;
this.y = P.y;
return this;}
Point nextY (Point P){
this.x = P.x;
this.y = P.y + 1;
return this;}
Point plusDelta (int deltaX, int DeltaY){
this.x = x + deltaX;
this.y = y + DeltaY;
return this;}
Point mirrorOf (Point P, boolean SbX, boolean SbY){
Point temp = new Point();
if(SbX && !SbY){
temp.x = -1 * P.x;
temp.y = P.y;}
else if(!SbX && SbY){
temp.x = P.x;
temp.y = -1 * P.y;}
else if(SbX && SbY){
temp.x = -1 * P.x;
temp.y = -1 * P.y;}
temp.x = P.x;
temp.y = P.y;}
return temp;
float jarak0 (Point P){
int pangkat2x,pangkat2y,result;
pangkat2x = (P.x) * (P.x);
pangkat2y = (P.y) * (P.y);
result = pangkat2x + pangkat2y;
float a = (float)Math.sqrt(result);
return a;}
Point hslGeser (Point P, int Deltax, int deltaY){
Point temp = new Point();
temp.x = P.x + Deltax;
temp.y = P.y +deltaY;
return temp;}
void geserKeSbX (Point P){
P.x = 0;}
void geserKeSbY (Point P){
P.y = 0;}}
/*class driver*/
class PointTestDrive{
public static void main (String[] args){
Point A = new Point();
Point B = new Point (1,3);
Point C = new Point (7,9);
System.out.println("Apakah B dan C sama" + " " + A.EQ(B,C) );
System.out.println("Apakah B dan C sama" + " " + A.NEQ(B,C) );
System.out.println("Apakah B dan C sama" + " " + A.LT(B,C) );
System.out.println("Apakah B dan C sama" + " " + A.GT(B,C) );
System.out.println("Apakah B dan C sama" + " " + A.isOrigin(B) );
System.out.println("Apakah B dan C sama" + " " + A.isOnSbX(C) );
System.out.println("Apakah B dan C sama" + " " + A.isOnSbY(B) );
System.out.println("Apakah B dan C sama" + " " + A.kuadran(C) );
float a = A.jarak0(B);
System.out.println("ini nilai dari a" +" " +a);
Tutorial Java part - 2
public class Computer{private String monitorSpec;
private String mouseSpec;
private String keyboardSpec;
public void setMonitorSpec(String monitor){
monitorSpec = monitor;
public void setMouseSpec(String mouse){
mouseSpec = mouse;
public void setKeyboardSpec(String keyboard){
keyboardSpec = keyboard;}
public String getMonitorSpec(){
return monitorSpec;
public String getMouseSpec(){
return mouseSpec;
public String getKeyboardSpec(){
return keyboardSpec;}
public String toString(){
return "merek monitor anda" + " " + getMonitorSpec() + " " + "Merek mouse anda adalah" + " " + getMouseSpec() + " " + "Merek keyboard anda adalah " + getKeyboardSpec() ;
public String start(){
return "Computer is turn on… " ;}
public String shutDown(){
return "Computer is turn off";}
/*untuk kelas drivernya*/
class ComputerTestDrive{
public static void main(String[] args){
Computer P = new Computer();
P.setMouseSpec("optikal mouse");
System.out.println("\n" + P.toString());;
System.out.println( P.start());
System.out.println( P.shutDown());
private String mouseSpec;
private String keyboardSpec;
public void setMonitorSpec(String monitor){
monitorSpec = monitor;
public void setMouseSpec(String mouse){
mouseSpec = mouse;
public void setKeyboardSpec(String keyboard){
keyboardSpec = keyboard;}
public String getMonitorSpec(){
return monitorSpec;
public String getMouseSpec(){
return mouseSpec;
public String getKeyboardSpec(){
return keyboardSpec;}
public String toString(){
return "merek monitor anda" + " " + getMonitorSpec() + " " + "Merek mouse anda adalah" + " " + getMouseSpec() + " " + "Merek keyboard anda adalah " + getKeyboardSpec() ;
public String start(){
return "Computer is turn on… " ;}
public String shutDown(){
return "Computer is turn off";}
/*untuk kelas drivernya*/
class ComputerTestDrive{
public static void main(String[] args){
Computer P = new Computer();
P.setMouseSpec("optikal mouse");
System.out.println("\n" + P.toString());;
System.out.println( P.start());
System.out.println( P.shutDown());
Tutorial Java part-1.2
public class BeerSong{
public static void main (String[] args){
int beerNum = 99;
int temp = 0;
String word = "bottles";
while (beerNum > 0) {
System.out.println(beerNum + " " + word + " of beer on the wall" + "," + beerNum + word +" of beer");
beerNum = beerNum - 1;
System.out.println("Take one Down and pass it arround, " + " " + beerNum + " " + word + " of beer on the wall \n");
temp = temp + 1;
if (beerNum == 1) { System.out.println(beerNum + " " + word + " of beer on the wall" + "," + beerNum + word +" of beer");
beerNum = beerNum - 1;
System.out.println("Take one Down and pass it arround, " + " " + "no More " + word + " of beer on the wall \n");
temp = temp + 1;
if (beerNum == 0){
System.out.println("No more" +word + "of beer on the wall, no more " +word + " of beer.");
System.out.println("Go to the store and buy some more " + temp + " " + word + " of beer."); }
public static void main (String[] args){
int beerNum = 99;
int temp = 0;
String word = "bottles";
while (beerNum > 0) {
System.out.println(beerNum + " " + word + " of beer on the wall" + "," + beerNum + word +" of beer");
beerNum = beerNum - 1;
System.out.println("Take one Down and pass it arround, " + " " + beerNum + " " + word + " of beer on the wall \n");
temp = temp + 1;
if (beerNum == 1) { System.out.println(beerNum + " " + word + " of beer on the wall" + "," + beerNum + word +" of beer");
beerNum = beerNum - 1;
System.out.println("Take one Down and pass it arround, " + " " + "no More " + word + " of beer on the wall \n");
temp = temp + 1;
if (beerNum == 0){
System.out.println("No more" +word + "of beer on the wall, no more " +word + " of beer.");
System.out.println("Go to the store and buy some more " + temp + " " + word + " of beer."); }
Tutorial Java part-1
public class AnakAyam{
public static void main (String[] args){
int ayam = 100;
String akhir = "induknya";
while (ayam > 0) {
System.out.println("anak ayam turun " + ayam);
ayam = ayam - 1;
if (ayam == 0){
System.out.println("anak ayam mati satu tinggal " + akhir);
System.out.println("Mati satu tinggal " + " " + ayam + "\n");
public static void main (String[] args){
int ayam = 100;
String akhir = "induknya";
while (ayam > 0) {
System.out.println("anak ayam turun " + ayam);
ayam = ayam - 1;
if (ayam == 0){
System.out.println("anak ayam mati satu tinggal " + akhir);
System.out.println("Mati satu tinggal " + " " + ayam + "\n");
Rabu, 15 September 2010
You have a problem to marketting your Product
Trust me to Marketting Your Product
Di era sekarang ini persaingan cukup ketat untuk menjual apa yang kita miliki. Dan dengan kemajuan Zaman sekarang ini sebagian besar sudah membuka toko online dan menjual informasi tentang perusahaan mereka secara online. Jadi tunggu apa lagi mari bergabung dengan kami untuk meningkatkan penjualan anda.
Kami akan mewujudkan apapun keinginan anda
Kunjungi kami di Nuantero.com
Di era sekarang ini persaingan cukup ketat untuk menjual apa yang kita miliki. Dan dengan kemajuan Zaman sekarang ini sebagian besar sudah membuka toko online dan menjual informasi tentang perusahaan mereka secara online. Jadi tunggu apa lagi mari bergabung dengan kami untuk meningkatkan penjualan anda.
Kami akan mewujudkan apapun keinginan anda
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